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Kim Guthrie

Kim Guthrie

Kim Guthrie

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Coaching & Consulting


I’ve got a passion for business documentation, mindset and enhancing small business, particularly helping alternative therapists have more time, space, and money so they can reach more people.

Documentation is the first step to outsourcing with ease. Creating ‘done-for-you’ documentation, building the Business Model Jigsaw, gives business owners clarity, certainty and confidence, so they can see more clients and have freedom.

I’m the creator of Your Business On A Page, which captures the ‘why’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ of your business. This one document acts as a north star, which guides business decisions and, deflects bright shiny objects. I create one-page documents that when put together as a portfolio and given to a VA, marketing team or social media specialist they hit the ground running.

I’ve dedicated my time to helping heart centred, purpose driven business owners with documentation, business operations and analysis so they can focus on sharing their magic.

My knowledge and skills from 30 years in corporate, is sprinkled with my experience of overcoming stress related illness and disease. I share my knowledge, energy and enthusiasm to support and encourage others success.

Looking to collaborate with:

Alternative Therapists

Marketing Teams


Social Media Specialist

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